Wednesday 29 June, at 19.00 hours, al local (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg Ville), We have the pleasure to invite you to an interesting conference (Spanish):
The current political situation in Spain and Catalonia
It will be pronounced by Ramón Cotarelo García, well-known Spanish political scientist, professor and university professor, as well as talk show, writer and translator.
Ramon Cotarelo Garcia (Madrid, 1943) graduated in political science and sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has subsequently done post-graduate studies at the University of Frankfurt and Lancaster University. You can read his full biography here.
Of 1984 a 1988 he was vice-chancellor of the National University of Distance Education, and is currently professor of Political Sciences and Administration. He has translated into Spanish, others, works by Norbert Elias, George Simmel and Jürgen Habermas (The Reconstruction of historical materialism). He is also part of the newspaper's editorial board Public.
In his works he has made a critical analysis of the Spanish transition from the point of view of the left. He also criticized the actions of the right-wing press and the Popular Party itself against the government of Felipe González before the Spanish general elections of 1993 and 1996.
You can read his interesting blog: