Registration for 2017/2018 Catalan language courses in Luxembourg
The Catalan language courses are open for this season. We propose to you:
A1 (beginner):
October 2017 until June 2018,
from 18.30 at 20.00h. (45 hours).
A2 (elementary):
October 2017 until June 2018,
from 18.30 at 20.00h. (45 hours).
B1 (intermediate):
October 2017 until June 2018,
from 18.30 at 20.00h. (45 hours).
B2 (upper intermediate):
October 2017 until June 2018,
from 18.30 at 20.00h. (45 hours).
C1 (advanced):
October 2017 until June 2018,
from 18.30 at 20.00h. (45 hours).
C2 (Proficient / Fluent):
October 2017 until June 2018,
from 18.30 at 20.00h. (45 hours). pack
Lieu: KAD building
European Parliament,
A minimum of 5 registered is required to do the course.
Students max per class 10.
PRICE: 300€
To register, it will be necessary to fill theLANGUAGE COURSE CATALANE-courier 2017-2018 on this page.