Yes, Habanera: he 27 in June 20 hours we will have, every year, a habanera recital. And as on the last two occasions, we will have the talent of Neus Mar and Emilio Sánchez. This, Yet, it is not a year like the others and, so, the singing of habaneras will not be at all conventional.
Although measures to stop the spread of coronavirus are relaxing everywhere, in many places (among them, Luxembourg) it is still impossible to organize a "classical" habanera song. That's why we have joined some thirty houses in Europe and America to propose a 2×1: tradition and modernity, to and u. And two concerts, too.

Singer Neus Mar and guitarist Emilio Sánchez will give two consecutive concerts from home (the first at 20 hours, whore the Luxembourg; the second at 19 hours, Buenos Aires time). We can see and hear them through Zoom and Youtube (to the channel of the FIEC).
I, to complete the experience, that you find nothing missing, here are two key videos. In the first, Joan Duran from the bakery Can Duran in Palafrugell explains how to prepare Saint John's cake; in the second, in Paco de la taverna The beautiful Lola de Palafrugell shows us how to make a good one burnt rum. They have been specially prepared for the occasion and we express our gratitude to them.