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Christmas lunch and Uncle Festival

Christmas is coming and, with him, he traditional Christmas lunch and the Catalan Center Uncle's Party. It will be the day 17 December, from the 13 hours (o les 12.30 if you want to give us a hand), a la Salle Polyvalente de Keispelt (13, rue de Meispelt).

Christmas lunch and Uncle Festival

Lunch will begin at 13.00, a la Salle Polyvalente de Keispelt (where we did the last one Midsummer Eve). Everyone who wants to attend the lunch must bring something to eat and arrive around 12.30 to have time to prepare breakfast.

You don't need to get drunk for the drink, the CCL will take care of it.

At the 15.00, in the same room, the traditional will take place Feast of the Uncle. This year, we will have entertainer Roger Canals, Obviously, there will be no shortage of uncle's gifts, chocolate, Games, songs and other activities.

We would appreciate it book before the day 12 to our contact address (or replying to this message). A booking, please, specify what you will bring for food and the age of the children who will participate in the Uncle's Party.

The price for both activities is 15 euros. Remember, you can only come to lunch or just for the festival Tió, but you must let us know. Obviously much better if you come to the two activities.