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Children's activity from home

This special Sant Jordi is full of proposals and among them the activity for the children of theRecreation.

We were looking forward to the next April session to celebrate the day together surrounded by books and roses, and although these days everything is different ...

Wednesday 25 d’abril ens tornarem a veure les cares!

Children's activity from home

L’Olalla ens explicarà un conte molt especial online via Zoom has the 17h.

Si voleu participar només cal que us connecteu i tingueu a mà un full blanc de mida A4.

Si no esteu inscrits a l’Esplai, confirmeu-nos també la vostra participació en aquesta activitat infantil des de casa enviant un mail a our usual address. Enter 'CCL Reclass' in the subject i, in the text of the mail, please also mention the age of the children.