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Talk (virtual) on the language and the virus with Pau Vidal

Wednesday 21, at six in the afternoon, we invite you to a virtual chat with the philologist and writer Pau Vidal to talk about the interaction between the coronavirus and the Catalan language. The talk will be virtual, thanks to the app Zoom, and door by title

Violent language: encomanes or infections?

The Catalan people are restless: how we should treat the enemy, Mr. or Mrs? He is male (THE Covid) or female (LA Covid)? Because freedom of movement or work are not the only victims of this raisin. The language is also suffering: neologisms, inventions, funny jokes, hesitations, canonical or lost pronunciations… If the in the tests they resemble pots, what are they like tests? Is better telecommuting or do telepending? And above all, if the villain of this film is not one insect… what is, exactly? A quick guide to dating (quasi) unscathed from the violence of the pandemic. The was virulence?

Talk about language and viruses with Pau Vidal

This way, we will have treated three aspects del coronavirus… If you want to participate, write to our contact address and we will send you the link to join the virtual meeting.

Pau Vidal Gavilán (Barcelona, 1967) is a translator, writer, crossword puzzler, philologist, columnist i, above all, a lover of the Catalan language. Degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, has published a good number of books, both narrative and divulgation in their specialty. He debuted with the novel Homeless (2003), winner of the Documenta award, and the last published work is Fix kills. As a translator, their translations from Italian stand out: Andrea Camilleri, Erri de Luca, Gianni Rodari, Antonio Tabucchi, Roberto Saviano i, recently, quite a classic com The Leopard. Publish an article every Friday at Vilaweb and write the crosswords of the Catalan edition of The country i of digital The National. On television you can see it in the program The linguado from TV3.